Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to make a fresh copy of micro SD card for Raspberry Pi from Windows 10 operating system

In this article, I will explain how to prepare a micro SD card from Windows 10 with a fresh copy of Raspberry Pi OS, so let's start:

The first step is to refer the web browser to the official website and download the Raspberry Pi Imager software, which we will use to prepare a micro SD card for installing the Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry PI computer.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Raspberry Pi 4 Native USB Boot

It has finally arrived, unfortunately in beta but it still works, RPi 4 Native USB Boot. Say goodby to micro SD. I have been using RPi 4 for about four months or a little more, as a personal computer and I am mostly satisfied. Settings "boot" partition on micro SD card and "root" partition on
SD disk, works without any problems. But recently it has been possible to set up RPi 4 to boot directly from a USB drive!

My RPi 4 Setup (RPi 4, 4GB, Samsung SSD 250GB, USB to S-ATA adapter, sertronic RPI4-ARC-FA case with cooler)

Programing AT89C2051 using SDCC compiler on Debian Linux

My Homemade AT89C2051 Development Board First and foremost we need to install a compiler and we need a programmer to load the code into the ...